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摘要 : C4D+AE使用XP粒子和OC渲染器大型精品产品设计动画案例视频教程 Learn Squared – Design for Production: Animation - 本期教程是C4D结合AE和XP粒子插件、OC渲染器完成的高级产品动画案例教程.

AE/C4D/X-Particles/Octane产品设计动画特效案例教程 Design for Production: Animati ...

屡获殊荣的艺术总监Michael Rigley带领您的设计栩栩如生,指导您完成整个3D动画和制作工作流程。使用软件:After Effects,Cinema 4D,X-Particles,octane.首先,规划场景,尝试编辑过程,在Cinema 4D中学习详细的3D动画技术,最后在After Effects中进行合成。无论您是将本课程作为生产设计:工作流程的后续课程,还是只是想继续学习并提高技能,本课程都将教给您专业的工作流程,以制作出您自己难以置信的项目。

Bring your designs to life as award-winning art director Michael Rigley guides you through his entire 3D animation and production workflow. Start off by planning out your scenes, experiment with the editorial process, learn detailed 3D animation techniques in Cinema 4D, and finish up by compositing in After Effects. Whether you’re taking this course as a follow-up to Design for Production: Workflow, or just want to follow along and sharpen your skills, this class will teach you professional workflows to produce incredible projects of your own.









Duration 5h Project Files Included MP4

Lesson 1 Getting Started

Get ready to dive into animation as Michael shows you how to lay the foundation for a successful project. He’ll guide you through the various stages of production, and familiarize you with the tools you’ll be using along the way. Then you’ll get hands-on sourcing audio and building a boardomatic to plan out the full sequence.

Lesson 2 Working Toward an Animatic

Go through the first stages of 3D animation as Michael shows you how to build an animatic. Here, you’ll set up the project file and begin blocking out the camera and basic animation. Michael covers the importance of prototyping animation and leads through his complex problem solving process.

Lesson 3 Road to the Rough Cut

Now it’s time to apply what we’ve learned from prototyping to our active scene. Michael breaks down how to integrate components into the shot and animate additional elements. With our cameras and basic timing established, we can now add complexity back into the scene. Lastly, we’ll do lighting and render checks before we send off low sample outputs.

Lesson 4 Finishing For our final lesson, we pull together all the hard work in After Effects as Michael demonstrates his approach to multi-pass compositing. Topics range from importing and comp setup to keyframing light passes, setting up effects, and creating the final look. Finally we’ll cover exporting and assess the final product.

